4 Customer Types and How to Approach Them

Customer service and happiness are essential to every business's bottom line. Yet, we often have problems distinguishing between the many types of clients we encounter. It's critical to understand what kind of customer you're dealing with to improve their experience and your own bottom line.

When it comes to customers, it's helpful to categorize them into four groups: complainers, visitors, loyalists, and promoters.

1. Complainer

Make sure staff welcome customers warmly to create a welcoming environment. The team should look customers in the eyes and chat about their day or what they're searching for today. Some customers will be dissatisfied with the services provided or will have a grievance.

When dealing with angry or demanding customers, pay attention to their issues rather than interrupting them. While the customer may be impolite, they may be expressing a genuine concern about a product or service.

Do not take these grievances personally; doing so will simply lead to defensive responses, exacerbating the problem. Before you answer, think about the customer's perspective. Is this a reasonable request? If this is the case, apologize and offer to help in any way you can.

Hold your stance if their complaint is unreasonable while attempting to rectify any misconceptions or concerns that have developed. Get their contact details in case you need to reach them later by email or phone. Even if your customers are demanding, providing excellent customer service will benefit your bottom line.

Thank the most difficult of clients for their time and assure them that you will do everything possible to improve your standard operating procedures in the future. It's crucial to do your best to suit your customers' needs, but some customers will never be happy.

2. Visitor

Even if this type of customer does not buy anything, you can learn from them. It's critical to know how the customer found you to determine which marketing campaigns are most efficient at attracting traffic.

Always greet customers with a smile and maintain a pleasant atmosphere. However, if your store receives a lot of traffic but has low conversion rates, likely, you're not selling value. This could indicate that you're attracting people who aren't interested in your products or services.

This is also true for customers who shop online. If they came to your site using a search engine, ensure the content and meta title keyword tags are in sync. Anyone searching Google for keywords related to your business should find your site at the top of the results.

Be careful to optimize titles and descriptions - be specific about what they will get if they visit your website! This makes it simple for customers to navigate because nothing is left up to interpretation.

When someone comes across the link from another source, like email, try engaging with them by asking why this product or website exactly. You may discover the customer is interested in a particular product. Still, the category under which it is classified does not actually cover what the customer wishes to buy, but rather something completely different.

When customers reach out with a question regarding your website, don't be hesitant to provide them with instructions on navigating it and improving their experience. If they're having trouble navigating your content's pages, suggest they contact customer support so that their problems can be resolved quickly.

No one likes to get lost when visiting someone's store, which is valid for online stores.

Excellent customer service is the most effective strategy to attract new customers. Keep an eye on your visitors to determine what makes them want to buy your stuff. The more you understand your target audience's wants and needs, the better you'll be able to serve them and keep them happy.

3. Loyalist

This is the type of buyer who will buy everything you put out there, regardless of the price. When a disgruntled but devoted customer complains, humbly apologize and inquire how you may make up.

Maintain loyal customers by providing outstanding customer service and learning from their feedback. Loyalists will return for more, and they will be devoted to your products or store regardless of whether it is an exclusive product or not.

For example, someone may have a favorite electronics brand. Even if their current favorite does not produce new things every month or always stock their preferred product. On the other hand, this person is still considered a devoted customer because they adore everything about the brand. From how quickly items ship to the free samples that are occasionally thrown in with orders.

Treat them well by providing benefits like discounts on future purchases or gifts on special occasions such as Holidays or birthdays (i.e., a loyalty card).The best method to reward loyal customers is to provide them with something that will enhance their experience beyond what they are accustomed to. A tiny gesture might mean the difference between someone returning or not returning. It can mean the world to certain people.

4. Promoter

While marketing might help, having existing customers tell their friends and family about your business can help boost your profits. When someone you trust suggests a product to you, it relieves you of the risk and simplifies your selection. Customers are swayed by the opinions of those in their social networks.

Promoters are committed to a single brand or business because they have a special connection to the service or product. It's critical to show supporters how valuable their input is by providing an exceptional customer experience every time they visit.

It's worth sending a thank-you gift voucher or other simple gestures of gratitude to someone who promotes other customers to the business. A simple thank-you email can go a long way toward making someone who has been a long-term supporter of your company feel appreciated and respected.

Sending out regular surveys is a fantastic method to do this. Allowing you to stay in touch with your customers and ask what they think about recent changes, new items, and other information that may be important to their requirements.


Understand and improve every facet of your store experience while simultaneously generating in-store traffic, cultivating loyalty, and driving sales.

If you are keen to learn how we can help you succeed, mail us ninja@servicesystems.co.za or call us at +27872374783.